Our 3A.M. Story
How many times has there been a late-night masterpiece created in kitchens across the country? Born of the necessity for something as amazing as the moment, regardless of the state you found yourselves in at 3am in your best friend’s kitchen.
This is the King of those creations.
Mike realized he was in trouble before we did. He had put together the most banging chicken avocado sliders that any of us had ever seen. But he quickly realized he didn’t have a worthy condiment to finish them with. He looked through all of the store-bought options in his cabinets and there simply wasn’t anything good enough to meet the moment. That’s when Mike knew he had no choice but to create something brand new.
Who would have known it would become the greatest condiment in the world!
After overwhelming pressure from friends, and growing demand from strangers and local restaurant patrons, Mike decided it was time totake his creation to the next level. He teamed with a close friend, local chef and restauranteur, Carlo Marsini, to fine tune King Sauce and share it with the world. Mike and Carlo quickly realized how truly versatile King Sauce was. They started making amazing creations using King Sauce on sandwiches, paninis, cheesesteaks, pizzas and as a dipping sauce for empanadas, fries, and chicken tenders. They discovered that King Sauce was also a great finishing sauce for higher end dishes that required a subtle drizzle of extra flavor. Kids loved it as an alternative to ketchup for their tenders and fries while their moms asked for it on salads! King sauce also became an ingredient for things like crabcakes, chicken salad, buffalo chicken dip and veggie dip. Customers began to ask for King Sauce by the pint and quart to take home. Marsini’s Kitchen put King Sauce on the map!!
To date King Sauce has been ordered over 100,000 times by customers at Marsini’s Kitchen!
When describing King Sauce to curious new customers, Carlo and Mike would say.. “King Sauce is the greatest condiment in the world" & That slogan quickly came true as more and more people started experiencing it for themselves.
King Sauce is now available in a bottle for everyone to share!!
To Mike… we’d like to thank you for remembering how to make it the next day after you finally passed out. That was huge!!
Mike, Bryan, Carlo, Rob